Tuesday, November 25, 2008

My Say on a Popular Topic

Okay, I know everybody has said something about this topic. The thing is I do not really care. My opinion is mine and I want to say what I think on the matter. So, here is my spill on being gay, gay marriage, and Soulforce.
Being gay is wrong. Not only in God’s eyes but also in nature’s. If a man and a man or a woman and a woman were meant to be together then a man and a man would be able to reproduce. News flash, they can’t. So, its obvious they were not “meant to be” like all the gay couples say they are.
Gay couple should not be able to marry. The marriage vows are one man and one woman, not one woman…and another one.
Just because I believe being gay is wrong, does not mean I hate people, but I believe what they what they are doing is wrong and I am not afraid to tell them how I feel. I am also not afraid for them to tell me how they feel, it does not mean my opinion will change but they are free to try just as I am free to try to change theirs.